Health Benefits of Positive Home Decor

Health Benefits of Positive Home Decor

You began your day just before the sun—waking up to get in that obligatory half hour workout before starting your day. Heart pounding and breathless, you hop in the shower while your coffee brews. Hurriedly throwing some clothes on and trying to beat the clock, you fill your mug and a protein bar and run out the door. During your bumper to bumper drive to the office someone cuts you off and you slam on the brakes, spilling your coffee down the front of your shirt. After a few choices words and fumbling to find napkins, you manage to pull into a parking space and lug your work bag into the office, plopping yourself into the chair.

You spend your day doing whatever it is that you do—make phone calls, send emails, study charts, schmooze people into purchasing something from your company, draw up contracts, write blog posts or articles. The list of responsibilities you may have can go on and on. And so, your day crawls by and the afternoon draws near. You make that drive through rush hour traffic to the grocery store to find food for dinner. After waiting in line behind an obnoxiously loud woman talking on the phone while letting her toddler scream in the cart, you shuffle back to your car with bags in tow. Finally, you get to go home.

After such a long and strenuous day, as most are, walking into your home can either be an addition to your anxiety and stress, or it can be a place of tranquility and rest—a place to breathe easy and relax. I’ve known many people who try to convince themselves that their mess and clutter is a kind of organized chaos; it’s how they are comfortable living and what makes them feel at home. However, science and psychology have proven that there are actual health benefits to a clean and organized home, as well as health benefits to the types of things that you use to decorate your home. Studies have found that people who describe their homes as cluttered, messy, or disorganized had a higher likelihood of being depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed whereas people who described their homes as restful or relaxing were just the opposite.

Truth be told, there are few things in life that feel better than an organized, clean, and uncluttered home. And so, when deciding on the items to keep and decorate your home with, they should only enhance or add to those feelings of rest and relaxation. There are numerous kinds of décor that you can add to your space that are not only beautiful to look at and pleasing to the eye, but that promote health and happiness as well.

There have been studies conducted on negative ions being emitted into the air and the way that they can affect the human body in regards not only to health, but also to mood. Positive ions are carbon dioxide that have lost an electron. Don’t let the term positive fool you, when surrounded in excess by these ions, they actually appear to have a negative effect on the body, leading to tiredness, anxiety, impatience, lethargy, irritability and have even been linked to much bigger issues such as asthma and depression. Negative ions, on the other hand, are a molecule that gains a negatively charged electron and they attract particles in the air such as dust, bacteria, mold, and the like. They attach to such particles and pull them to the nearest surface and out of the air.

The Power Of Himalayan Salt Lamps

And so what do these ions have to do with home décor? Certain natural substances can be used as decoration that will purify the air, as well as create an atmosphere rich in negative ions. Himalayan Salt Lamps are one such substance. Not only are they a hydroscopic substance that will absorb the water in the air (and whatever particles may be found in those water molecules) and act as an air purifier, but it also produces a plethora of negative ions, which will help to make you feel more awake and energetic and can promote productivity and boost your mood.

Tranquility With Indoor Waterfalls

In addition to Himalayan Salt lamps, small indoor waterfalls can also act as a negative ionizer while at the same time purifying and humidifying the air in your home. Not only does it offer the benefits of cleaner and purified air, but it has the added benefit of drowning out otherwise annoying background noise, which can help to calm and relax our already constantly thinking and moving minds.

Purify Your Air With Indoor Plants

Which leads to just a few more pieces of home décor that can improve your mood, boost your energy, and make you feel altogether happier. It’s no surprise that bringing the outdoors in can help to reduce anxiety and ease stress. Indoor plants, cacti, and succulents will, without a doubt, improve the quality and the cleanliness of the air in your home. Not only that, but their mere aesthetic presence can create a quick change in a person emotionally, as well as stimulate them physically.

Brighten Your Day With Floral Bouquets

Along those same lines, brightly colored floral bouquets can work wonders, ranging from increased happiness, emotional connection with others, compassion, creativity, energy, and improvement in problem-solving with a decrease in depression, anxiety, and negativity. It is recommended to keep such bouquets in places that you often spend time—in your kitchen, bathroom, and even on your bedside table, so that they are the last thing you see when going to bed, and the first thing you open your eyes to in the morning.

Meditate & Enhance Memories With Your Sense Of Smell

Last, but certainly not least, appealing to your sense of smell can have exponential effects on your body and mind. Our brain connects specific smells to specific memories and so incorporating scents into our homes can actually help with our ability to remember things, as well as make such memories appear more vividly in your mind’s eye. Furthermore, mood can also be changed when inhaling certain scents. Lavender, chamomile, and pine are all scents that can help to calm and relax the mind and body, while citrus scents, peppermint, and eucalyptus are all scents that can help to energize you.

I think that we can all agree that in a world full of aggravation and frustration, a world of disagreement and segregation, overwhelming stress and ever-growing anxiety is constantly knocking at our doors. We have the opportunity to turn our homes into something we love and adore stepping into every day, a place where the tension of our day can melt away. Incorporating any one of these pieces of décor is such a small and incredibly easy way to help ease stress, even if it is just the smallest amount—every little bit helps.

And Now Back To You

Have a home décor tip that helps you reduce stress? Let us know in the comments below.

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